Let Freedom Ring

In this message Pastor Lawrence preaches a message entitled "Let Freedom Ring!" the Bible is very clear on the subject of freedom. We think of it as a political ideal, but in fact, it is a Divine Idea!

Dealing with the Evil Around You

Pastor Lawrence preaches a message from Judges 13 on the subject "Dealing with the Evil Around You."

When God Takes You to the Edge

Pastor Lawrence preaches a message entitled "When God Takes You to the Edge." From 2 Corinthians 1:8-11, Paul tells the Corinthian church about the struggles that he went through on some of his travels bringing us to the final conclusion that we cannot trust in ourselves.

The Commendation of Faith

Pastor Lawrence preaches a message inviting us to be reminded that one of the most important things you will be commended for is Faith!

When the Battle Comes

Pastor Lawrence preaches on the subject "When the Battle Comes." In his farewell speech, Moses prepares the people about the certainty that there will be battles along the way. It's not a matter of "if" but a matter of "when." Deuteronomy 20:1-4

The Blinding Power of Discouragement

Pastor Lawrence preaches a message challenging us the be aware of The Blinding Power of Discouragement. From Exodus 6:1-11 we find God's message to the people of Israel is met with unbelief because of discouragement. Be aware of the power of discouragement and all that can be missed when we give in to it.

Sparks of Faith from Job

Pastor Lawrence shares a message entitled "Sparks of Faith from Job." We don't often think of the Job's circumstances as things that can spark faith within us, but in the middle of Job's trials, he speaks in faith.

Faith and Prayer

Pastor Lawrence preaches a message on the relationship between Faith and Prayer from Hebrews 11:6.

Powerful Praise to a Powerful God

Pastor Lawrence preaches on the subject of Praise from Ephesians 3:20-21 as Paul breaks forth in praise for the wonderful things that Jesus has done for us. Be encouraged to praise the Lord at all times because God is able to do more than you could ever ask for think!

The Power of His Resurrection

Pastor Lawrence preaches on "The Power of His Resurrection." This resurrection power is powerful enough to change lives and impact your life each and every day as your serve him.

Palm Sunday Hopes

Pastor Lawrence preaches a message from Matthew 21:1-11 on Palm Sunday Hopes!

A Word in the Night

Pastor Lawrence preaches a message encouraging us that God still has a word for His people in the darkest hour of our lives.

Victory in the Night (Part 2)

Pastor Lawrence preaches the 2nd part of "Victory in the Night." In Exodus 13-14 we see another nighttime miracle that God did for his people.

Victory in the Night

Night time can be scary for many! We feel like there are things happening at night that God is either unaware of or can't do anything about, but neither of those things are true. In fact, it is at night where God brings victory and encouragement in your life. Pastor Lawrence preaches from Judges 7:7-15 on how under the cover of night Gideon was encouraged that God would use him to bring victory over the Midianite oppressors.

Lord, What are You Doing?

Pastor Lawrence preaches a message to encourage us that though we may not understand the plan of God for our lives, we must trust that He is who the Bible reveals Him to be. Matthew 11:1-6.

Your Faith

Pastor Lawrence preaches a message about Your Faith. Where do you put your faith? What is its object? Is it personalities within Christianity, or is it the only one deserving of your faith?

Your Story

You have a story to tell. The Gospel points to Jesus through your story. Paul shares his testimony focusing on where he came from, what changed him and for what purpose! Share Your Story! Pastor Lawrence preaches a message entitled "Your Story" from Acts 22:1-21.

Hope in the Midst of Hopelessness

Pastor Lawrence preaches a message from Isaiah 40:27-31 encouraging us that we can have Hope in the Midst of Hopelessness.

Out of the Depths

Pastor Lawrence preaches a message from Psalm 130 entitled "Out of the Depths." As one of the penitential Psalms it speaks to both the need and the hope that is found when we cry out to the Lord from the depths of our sin to seek his mercy and forgiveness. There is hope in Him, so cry out from the depths of your failure and find that He will bring forgiveness to your life.

What Is Your Life?

Pastor Lawrence preaches a message entitled, "What Is Your Life?" James 4:13-17 challenges us as to our inability to know what tomorrow holds. If tomorrow is so uncertain as it relates to our lives, it should challenge all of us to be ready for eternity.

Your Refuge

Everything is changing around us and yet there is a place of safety and refuge in Him. Pastor Lawrence preaches a message from Psalm 46:1-3 encouraging you that He is our refuge and strength.

How to Live in a World Gone Wrong

Pastor Lawrence preaches a message from Romans 12:17-21 on "How to Live in a World Gone Wrong."

Why You Can Have A New Beginning

Pastor Lawrence preaches a message from Genesis 1:1-2 on Why You Can Have A New Beginning. The new year is upon us as difficult as 2020 was, this year can be faced with the help of One who is able to bring hope and strength for 2021.